Various Benefits of ASEAN Chairmanship for Indonesia

Kominfo 01 September 2023
Various Benefits of ASEAN Chairmanship for Indonesia

Having the opportunity to be the host, Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN has positively impacted various sectors. Interestingly, these benefits are felt by the tourism sector and the national economic sector.

It is important to recall that Indonesia is mandated to become ASEAN Chair from January 1 to December 31, 2023. As the holder of the 2023 ASEAN Chair, Indonesia is in charge of hosting the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo (May 9-11, 2023) and the 43rd ASEAN Summit at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta (September 5-7, 2023).

This good opportunity certainly has a direct positive impact on Indonesia, especially in showing Indonesia's strategic role in leading regional architecture. Thus, it can make the ASEAN region a "World's Engine of Sustainable Growth".

Benefits of the ASEAN Chair for the Economic Sector

Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN 2023 positively impacts the country's economic sector. Not only encouraging growth and economic turnover at the regional and national levels, Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN is predicted to attract potential foreign exchange of IDR481 billion through various activities or events.

Moreover, holding the ASEAN Chair is also a moment to show Indonesia's economic progress, which continues to grow and is resilient, even though it is in the midst of a hurricane of crisis. Thus, in the future, Indonesia is deemed worthy of being a business area that attracts foreign investment.

Benefits of the ASEAN Chair for the Political Sector

On the other hand, the benefits of Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN also positively impact the political sector. The reason is that this golden opportunity helps voice national interests in the Southeast Asian region. One of them is the eradication of criminal acts of human trafficking.

The benefits of Indonesia's chairmanship can also help build stability and peace in the Southeast Asian region and encourage concrete actions to face regional and global challenges and risks.

Benefits of the ASEAN Chair for the Tourism Sector

It cannot be denied that the opportunity to be Chair of ASEAN has directly impacted the revival of the tourism sector and the creative economy. There are estimated to be more than 300 meetings in the Indonesian Chair calendar in ASEAN.

Indonesia has a lot of tourism potential as a country known for its natural and cultural wealth. Thus, the opportunity to host is expected to be a promotional event to attract the attention of other ASEAN countries, including guest countries invited to each discussion forum.

Photo: Shutterstock/BeansproutP

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