Entering Indonesia

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions for entry into Indonesia apply. Foreign nationals may consult the respective Indonesian Embassy/Consulate accredited to their country or refer to the following link for visa requirements to enter Indonesia: https://www.imigrasi.go.id/en/covid19/

Health Regulation

Indonesia applies the following health protocols since 1 September 2022 until further notice: 

  1. PCR test is no longer required to enter Indonesia if a traveler is fully vaccinated. Note: Airlines / carriers may have different requirements regarding PCR test prior to boarding their transport vehicle.
  2. Showing insurance coverage statement for Covid-19 treatment in Indonesia is no longer required.
  3. Download the Indonesian mobile application SATUSEHAT (available on Google Play; App Store).
  4. Register your Covid-19 vaccine certificate via the SATUSEHAT application for access to indoor public places in Indonesia.
  5. Show printed or digital proof that you have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 at least 14 days prior to your departure (exemptions apply to visitors under 18 years old, diplomatic/official government visit, and medically certified persons). Indonesian citizens who are not fully vaccinated will receive vaccination after quarantine.
  6. A traveler that has been infected by Covid-19 may be exempted from showing a Covid-19 vaccine certificate as long as the traveler can show a medical attestation from a doctor/hospital/Ministry of Health or a Covid-19 recovery certificate from their departure country (in English) confirming that the traveler is no longer transmitting Covid-19 and not yet possible or cannot receive a full dose of Covid-19 vaccine.
  7. If travelers show fever and/or Covid-19 symptoms after temperature check upon arrival in Indonesia, then PCR test upon arrival must be done. If travelers are not required to do PCR test upon arrival, then they may continue their journey.
  8. If travelers must do PCR test upon arrival, then they need to wait for negative P​​CR test result at their hotel/accommodation. If a traveler's PCR test upon arrival is positive, then they need to be isolated or be treated in a hospital as suggested by the Indonesian Ministry of Health officials.
  9. Those who are not vaccinated or have received only 1 dose of vaccine due to medical reasons are required to show a medical certificate from a local hospital explaining the reason of why they cannot complete/receive vaccination.
  10. Domestic travel in Indonesia for travellers over 18 years old requires full vaccination.
  11. Domestic travel for children under 18 years old coming from overseas are not obligated to show vaccine certificate.
  12. Indonesian citizens are required to have booster shots before travelling out of Indonesia.

In the case of a positive PCR test results upon arrival in Indonesia:

  • Proceed to isolation at an approved facility or at a hospital.
  • Foreign citizens must bear their own isolation expenses.
  • Isolation cost for Indonesian citizens will be covered by the Indonesian Government.