Nusantara The Forest, Theme for Gala Dinner Menu of 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023

Kominfo 07 September 2023
Nusantara The Forest, Theme for Gala Dinner Menu of 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023

Jakarta, 6 September 2023 – Menu selection is pivotal in the preparation of a gala dinner. This was also the case for the gala dinner of the 43rd ASEAN Summit.

Celebrity chef, Arnold Poernomo, was chosen to lead his team in selecting the menu for the dinner held at the Gelora Bung Karno City Forest, the GBK Senayan Stadium Complex, Wednesday (6 September).

Arnold explained that the menu for ASEAN heads of state and guests was themed “Nusantara The Forest”. It was a mix of various types of cuisine from several regions in Indonesia. The menu list featured an appetizer for the VVIP guests who are heads of state and leaders of international organizations. The appetizer was Andaliman Crab from North Sumatra, which is a mud crab salad with watermelon, Andaliman pepper aioli sauce, pumpkin seeds, and baby spinach.

Meanwhile, he served the VIP guests with ASEAN Assiette or ASEAN plate which included chicken mushroom terrine, betutu duck tart, beef curry puff, and seafood roulade.

The main course for VVIP guests was Javanese soy sauce beef from Java consisting of soy glazed Lampung wagyu cheek with kenikir (king’s salad) chimichurri sauce, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

Meanwhile, the main course for VIP guests was Nusantara mixed rice from West Sumatra and rawon (beef in black nut soup) from East Java. The dish consists of basil rice, braised beef short ribs with rawon soup, pickled cucumber, chicken sausage, and pop-chicken chili sauce.

For dessert, guests were served with Nusantara Urban Forest, a dessert made with chocolate, spiced banana, jasmine apple, and matcha moss.

The VVIP guests who chose the vegetarian menu were served with watermelon salad, an appetizer from North Sumatra consisting of ricotta cheese, sunflower seeds, mustard sauce, and kale leaves. The dessert for the vegetarian menu was the same as the non-vegetarian one.

The vegetarian menu for VIP guests was a Javanese fruit salad containing compressed mango, pickled young papaya, pomelo, pomegranate, lime gel, and tapioca crackers.

The VVIP's main course for the vegetarian menu was vichyssoise soup from Java, consisting of potatoes, Brussels sprouts, raisins, and cauliflower. Meanwhile, VIP guests were served mixed Indonesian rice and rawon, the same as in the non-vegetarian VIP menu.

There was also a fish menu for those who prefer pescetarian options, including Indonesian mixed rice and coconut curry, a dish from West Sumatra and Java. It consisted of basil rice, sea bass curry, pickled cucumber, mushrooms in coconut sauce, pop chili sauce, tapioca crackers, and curry leaf oil. (Anton Setiawan/Donna/Elvira Inda Sari/Wilda Stiana/Wisnu Wardoyo)


For more information, please contact:

Director for Information and Media at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hartyo Harkomoyo (0811831899)

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Photo caption: Dozens of skyscrapers standing in the Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) area across the GBK City Forest serve as giant screens for video mapping performances during the 43rd ASEAN Summit gala dinner in Jakarta, Wednesday (6 September 2023). (Kemkominfo TV Youtube screenshot)

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