Jakarta MRT Supports 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023

Kominfo 03 September 2023
Jakarta MRT Supports 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023

Jakarta, September 3, 2023 – Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, is not just a metropolitan city. The city, covering an area of 7,659 square kilometres (km2), has developed into a major business and trade center, not only in Indonesia but also in the Southeast Asian region.

That is why the Provincial Government of the Jakarta Special Capital Region continues to improve its public facilities to provide the best for its almost 11 million residents. One obvious example of such improvement is the operation of Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT). The 16-kilometre (km) environmentally-friendly rail-based mass transit railway, with some underground sections, began construction in October 2013 and was inaugurated by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 24 March 2019.

The Jakarta MRT train route serves 13 stops in its North-South Corridor route, starting from Lebak Bulus Station in South Jakarta and ending at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout Station in Central Jakarta. One of the 13 stations is the ASEAN Station which is the only train stop which is named after a regional organization, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN is founded in Bangkok on 8 August 1967 by five countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand as the host.

The ASEAN Station is located right in front of the ASEAN Secretariat building, an edifice designed by the renowned Indonesian architect Soejoedi Wiroatmodjo, who also designed the Jakarta Convention Center. Coinciding with Indonesia's Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023 and the 43rd ASEAN Summit on 5—7 September 2023, at the Jakarta Convention Center, the government appointed PT MRT Jakarta as the official transportation service provider partner.

The appointment of MRT Jakarta as the official mode of transportation for the 2023 ASEAN Summit was marked by the launch of a limited-edition ASEAN-themed multi-trip travel card. The inauguration was marked by the first use of the limited multi-trip card by President Jokowi on his trip to the ASEAN Secretariat building, on 8 August 2023 at 08:30 AM from HI the Roundabout Station, accompanied by several ministers of the Indonesian Cabinet and ambassadors of ASEAN member countries.

Corporate Secretary Division Head of MRT Jakarta, Ahmad Pratomo, stated in Jakarta on Sunday (3/9/2023) that to support the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Jakarta and to commemorate ASEAN's 56th anniversary, they issued 2,000 limited edition ASEAN-themed multi-trip travel cards. These cards can only be obtained from the vending machine at the ASEAN Station.

President Joko Widodo with a number of ministers and Ambassadors of ASEAN countries took the MRT together to the ASEAN Secretariat Building, on Tuesday, 8 August2023. Photo: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev.

"We also held an exhibition at the ASEAN Station about the history of ASEAN's journey. The exhibition took place on 8—13 August 2023. MRT Jakarta is proud to be part of and contribute to the organization of the 43rd ASEAN Summit in 2023 at the Jakarta Convention Center," he said.

Meanwhile, spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation Adita Irawati ensured that MRT Jakarta will continue to operate and serve the public during the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023, on 5-7 September 2023. However, there may be certain restrictions applied at specific times to facilitate delegates traveling on MRT Jakarta.

" MRT Jakarta will continue its usual operation for the public, but maybe at certain hours there will be special arrangements. We will refer to the schedule established by the State Secretariat Ministry in collaboration with MRT Service must remain provided on 5—7 September, Adita said in an online discussion at the Forum Merdeka Barat 9 press conference organized by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Friday (25/8/2023).

She clarified that the MRT Jakarta stations that will be used by delegates participating in the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 include Senayan Station and Istora Station, in addition to the ASEAN Station. "Delegates will only use specific routes, specifically at stations around the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium Complex where the Istora and Senayan Stations are," she added.

The 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 will be attended by heads of state and heads of government of 11 ASEAN member countries, 9 heads of government and representatives of governments of ASEAN strategic partner countries, also leaders of regional organizations such as the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), Association of Coastal States Indian Ocean (IORA), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and Secretary General of the United Nations (UN).

Indonesia's chairmanship of ASEAN with the theme "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth" is expected to strengthen the achievement and foundation of the ASEAN 2045 vision and strengthen ASEAN institutions both in terms of more effective and efficient decision-making and substantive aspects of organization. (Anton Setiawan/Donna/Elvira Inda Sari)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

Get more information at http://asean2023.id, https://infopublik.id/kategori/asean-2023, and https://indonesia.go.id/kategori/ragam-asean-2023

Photo caption [1]: President Joko Widodo with a number of ministers and Ambassadors of ASEAN countries took the MRT together to the ASEAN Secretariat Building, on Tuesday, 8 August2023. Photo: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev.

Photo caption [2]: President Joko Widodo with a number of ministers and Ambassadors of ASEAN countries took the MRT together to the ASEAN Secretariat Building, on Tuesday, 8 August2023. Photo: BPMI Setpres/Laily Rachev.

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