Indonesia's Important Involvement in ASEAN Issues

Kominfo 01 September 2023
Indonesia's Important Involvement in ASEAN Issues

After Cambodia, Indonesia had the mandate to chair ASEAN for the fifth time in 2023. Indonesia's achievements go beyond the mere chairmanship of ASEAN. Indonesia continues to be actively involved in several important issues in the ASEAN region.

Indonesia is not only creating political, economic, social, and cultural agreements. But it also contributes to several peace efforts. It aims to maintain ASEAN regional security and create a peaceful, just, and prosperous region.

One of Indonesia's involvement in several important issues in ASEAN is related to the situation in Myanmar. At the 42nd ASEAN Summit meeting in Labuan Bajo, Indonesia, and other ASEAN member countries, besides Myanmar, initiated the Five-Point Consensus (5PC), which aims to help Myanmar out of its political crisis.

In addition, Indonesia has many roles as a mediator of various conflicts or important issues in the Southeast Asian region. Here are some of them:

Mediating the Philippines-MNLF conflict

Indonesia was chosen as the mediator in the Philippines conflict. It is because of Indonesia's neutrality and the assumption that Indonesia comprehends the conflict between the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF).

Settlement of the Vietnam-Cambodia conflict

Indonesia also played an important role in resolving the conflict between Vietnam and Cambodia (1988-1989). As an initiator of conflict resolution, Indonesia mediated between the two countries to return to peace. Indonesia's efforts paid off as Vietnam agreed to withdraw its troops from Cambodia.

Resolution of the Thai-Cambodian border conflict

During its ASEAN Chairmanship (2011), Indonesia became a mediator to create peace over the border conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. During the conflict resolution process, Indonesia received support from the United States to create a peaceful situation in Cambodia.

Nuclear weapon-free zones in the region

The Southeast Asian region strives to realize a nuclear-free zone known as the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ). Indonesia's seriousness in realizing the SEANWFZ is evidenced by the ratification of Law 9/1997 on the Ratification of the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone.

Maritime security cooperation 

In the maritime sector, Indonesia continues to encourage the strengthening of maritime security cooperation, especially in tackling the issue of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUUF). This has been through implementing the East Asia Summit (EAS) Statement on Enhancing Regional Maritime Cooperation in 2015.

Migrant workers issue

No less important, Indonesia also successfully convinced agreement on the Vientiane Declaration on Transition from Informal Employment to Formal Employment towards Decent Work Promotions. The approval of this agreement shows efforts to eliminate workplace discrimination and provide guarantees of protection, especially for informal workers.

Photo: Shutterstock/Peace-loving

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