Indonesian President: ASEAN Must Not Sink

Kominfo 09 August 2023
Indonesian President: ASEAN Must Not Sink

Jakarta, Kominfo Newsroom Indonesian President Joko Widodo reminded all parties that the large ships of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, must continue to sail and must not sink.

"ASEAN as a big ship must continue to move forward, this big ship must sail, and this big ship must not sink, because this is our responsibility for the hundreds of lives and people on board," the President said while attending the 56th anniversary of ASEAN or ASEAN Day Celebration at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta on Tuesday, 8 August 2023.

President Joko Widodo stated that ASEAN is an example of diversity and harmony, that complements and reinforces each other. Existing differences do not impede the realization of ASEAN's determination and aspirations.

He urged ASEAN once more, by leveraging its strong assets, to become the Epicentrum of Growth, which provides more benefits to the people of the region and the globe.

"Economic growth, demographic bonuses, and ASEAN's confidence with the best economic opportunities. "We must capitalize on this momentum to make ASEAN the future of the world, an anchor of peace, stability, and global prosperity," he explained.

The Head of State announced that the 43rd ASEAN Summit will be convened in September 2023. As chairman, Indonesia seeks to establish a solid foundation for ASEAN so that the organization is able to respond to dynamic challenges and play a central role.

On the occasion of the ASEAN Day Celebration, the President also led a procession consisting of the cutting of tumpeng. The first portion of tumpeng was presented to ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn, and the second portion was presented to Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi. (Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga/Didik Kusbiantoro/Elvira)


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Photo Caption: President Joko Widodo attending the celebration of ASEAN's 56th Anniversary in Jakarta, Tuesday (8 August 2023). ANTARA/Rangga Pandu Asmara Jingga/pri.

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