Getting to Know Various Youth Organizations in Southeast Asia

Kominfo 24 August 2023
Getting to Know Various Youth Organizations in Southeast Asia

The 43rd ASEAN Summit will soon be held in Jakarta on 5-7 September 2023. Various events will be held ahead of the 43rd ASEAN Summit, including the ASEAN+ Youth Summit. The ASEAN+ Youth Summit is planned to be held in Bogor (6 September 2023) and Jakarta (7-8 September 2023).

The ASEAN+ Youth Summit is a youth forum or organization in the ASEAN region and various ASEAN partner countries. Not only actively involved in the Indonesian Chairmanship, the presence of this youth forum aims to discuss, negotiate, and propose policies to ASEAN leaders.

Youth organizations in the ASEAN region have been around for a while. Currently, more and more youth organizations in Southeast Asia aim to strengthen relations and establish relationships with other countries and as a means of self-development.

Here are some youth organizations in the Southeast Asia region:


The first youth organization in the ASEAN region was the Association Internationale des Etudians en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC). More than 110 countries are involved in it, so it's no wonder that until now, AIESEC is still the largest international youth organization in the world.

One of these organizations in ASEAN, provides opportunities for young people to develop their best potential and, thus, provides a direct impact that is very good for the world and itself. AIESEC has volunteer programs in various countries, such as the Czech Republic, Russia, and Hungary.

ASEAN Youth Friendship Network

The ASEAN Youth Friendship Network (AYFN) has also become an international organization that many youths in Southeast Asia have joined. It is because the youth organization in ASEAN is independent and will facilitate youth in Southeast Asia to build a network of friendships. It encourages AYFN to collaborate with various countries, such as South Korea, Türkiye, Japan, the Netherlands, and many more.

Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative

Another ASEAN youth organization is the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI). Founded in 2013, YSEALI is focused on strengthening the relationship between the United States (US) and the ASEAN community in the environment, natural resources, economy, entrepreneurship, and citizenship sectors.

YSEALI runs numerous programs, including the Academic Fellow Program. This program provides opportunities for participants in Southeast Asia to take part in an incentive lecture for five weeks at a university in the United States.

ASEAN Youth Organization

The ASEAN Youth Organization (AYO) is a forum for youth aged 17-30 that focuses on self-development in leadership and arts and cultural organizations. Therefore, AYO continues to carry out cultural preservation as a form of support for the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. AYO has up to 500 members who are expected to generate ideas for creating sustainable change.

Asia Youth Intercultural Council

This organization provides such programs as cultural exchange, knowledge, maintaining cultural heritage, and creating youth collaboration. The presence of the Asia Youth Intercultural Council (AYIC) is expected to improve education and awareness of cultural diversity, with various programs in collaboration with Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.


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