Getting to Know Bali Concord III at the ASEAN Summit

Kominfo 01 September 2023
Getting to Know Bali Concord III at the ASEAN Summit

Indonesia plays an important role in determining the direction and achievements of ASEAN in the following years. Known as a “host” of several agreements, it is not surprising that Indonesia has successfully produced agreements beneficial to various parties. Among other things is the Bali Concord declaration. 

It is important to note that the Bali Concord was born from the aspirations of ASEAN internal parties to realize friendship and cooperation to create a safe, peaceful, and prosperous region. At least three agreements in the Bali Concord have been signed.

Starting from Bali Concord I (1976), which focuses on regulating behavior patterns among member countries to prioritize peaceful dispute resolution. Then, Bali Concord II (2003) discussed the ASEAN community's development based on political, security, economic, and socio-cultural pillars.

Then, the most recent agreement: Bali Concord III (2011). Unlike the previous one, Bali Concord III contains efforts to strengthen ASEAN's common position on global issues.

Bali Concord III Agreement

Focusing on strengthening ASEAN's position on global issues, Bali Concord III encourages ASEAN leaders to commit to one voice in responding to various issues. These include political-security, economic, and socio-cultural issues, referring to ASEAN's basic principles.

In the political and security sector of the Bali Concord III agreement, all ASEAN countries agreed to promote and protect human rights, fight terrorism, narrow the development gaps in the region, build maritime cooperation, fight corruption, and tackle transnational crimes.

In creating a nuclear-free Southeast Asian region. ASEAN member states have completed negotiations with countries possessing nuclear weapons.

Meanwhile, in the economic sector of the Bali Concord III agreement, ASEAN agreed to encourage economic integration of the region in the global economy. In addition, this agreement is also committed to promoting a common commitment to economic stability and development.

No less important, Bali Concord III in the socio-cultural sector prioritizes encouraging public awareness of disaster risk management, as well as encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technologies.

Bali Concord III encourages ASEAN member states to cooperate with health, education, science, technology, human resources, and culture sectors. It aims to improve the quality of life of ASEAN people.

Benefits of the Bali Concord III for Countries in the Region

So the question is: What are the benefits or implications of Bali Concord III for countries in the region?

The Bali Concord III agreement strengthens ASEAN's position in the global community as an outward-looking and active entity. In other words, ASEAN countries have an important role in providing solutions to various global problems.

In the future, it is hoped that Bali Concord III can encourage ASEAN countries to create regional and global interests to become more peaceful, just, democratic, and prosperous.

Photo: Shutterstock/edusma7256

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