Cooperation in Technology Achieved by ASEAN

Kominfo 24 August 2023
Cooperation in Technology Achieved by ASEAN

ASEAN member countries continue to cooperate to accelerate economic growth and social progress. In addition to cooperation in the economic and socio-cultural sectors, ASEAN countries also cooperate in the field of technology.

Cooperation among ASEAN countries in the technology field has an important role in the progress and development of a country. This is because the use and development of technology serve to accelerate economic progress in society.

There have been many collaborations in the field of technology that have been carried out by every country in ASEAN, including:

Health technology to overcome COVID-19

To deal with the COVID-19 attack, ASEAN member countries unite and work together to recover from the pandemic. It is by collaborating in health technology to minimize the spread of COVID-19. One of the successful technological developments is presenting a tracking application technology to check the status of the spread of COVID-19.

Development of food technology

Every ASEAN country continues to strive to strengthen the food sector. Not only strengthening the food sector, this technological cooperation is expected to encourage the production of quality food in the ASEAN region in the future.

In the long term, food technology development cooperation will also directly impact the food production process. Thus, it can facilitate the export and import of food in every ASEAN country.

Developing nuclear technology

Until now, Indonesia and the countries in ASEAN are still developing nuclear technology. This collaboration is carried out to support peace in the region. Amazingly, Indonesia is getting serious about developing Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The cooperation is expected to strengthen Indonesia's leadership in using nuclear technology to achieve the zero emission target in 2060.

Building research centers

Building research centers is also one of the collaborations in the technology field that every country in ASEAN has carried out. Not just one or two, there are many research centers built as a form of ASEAN cooperation, including the Research Center for Mathematics in Malaysia, the Research Center for Biology in Bogor, the Center for Agricultural Research in the Philippines, and the Research Center for Nuclear Technology and others in Tangerang.

Improving the quality of human resources in the field of technology

Quality human resources (HR) is one of the keys to successful technology development in the ASEAN region. It encourages Indonesia and several other ASEAN member countries to continue to improve workforce expertise in technology to make the latest breakthroughs.

One of the efforts made in providing workforce training in technology is sending competent human resources to participate in technology training. Thus, technological progress in ASEAN countries continues to develop over time.

Foto: Shutterstock/FrameAngel


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