ASEAN Secretary-Generals from Time to Time

Kominfo 01 September 2023
ASEAN Secretary-Generals from Time to Time

Although it was founded on August 8, 1967, in Bangkok, Thailand, the ASEAN Secretariat was established on February 24, 1976. After several rounds of meetings, in 1976, the Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN Secretariat was signed by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers in Bali.

The Agreement also stipulates the location of the ASEAN Secretariat in Indonesia, precisely on Jalan Sisingamangaraja No 70A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. President Soeharto inaugurated the ASEAN Secretariat building on May 9, 1981. The decision to choose Jakarta as the location for the ASEAN Secretariat was based on the consensus among the founding countries of ASEAN that Indonesia is the largest and most influential country in Southeast Asia. 

In addition, the leaders of the ASEAN region's countries also consider Indonesia's geographical location, which is an archipelagic country. From an economic standpoint, Jakarta was considered a strategic city and qualifies as the diplomatic capital of ASEAN, which has various facilities with international service standards.

The ASEAN Secretariat is headed by a person called the ASEAN Secretary-General. The Secretary-General is appointed by the ASEAN Summit for a five-year term. Uniquely, a Secretary-General is rotated in alphabetical order, with consideration of integrity, professional ability and experience, as well as gender equality. Indonesia has served as ASEAN Secretary-General three times.

Here is the list of ASEAN Secretary-Generals from time to time:


  1. Hartono Rekso Dharsono - Indonesia

7 June 1976 – 18 February 1978

  1. Umarjadi Notowijono - Indonesia

19 February 1978 – 30 June 1978              

  1. Datuk Ali Bin Abdullah - Malaysia

10 July 1978 – 30 June 1980

  1. Narciso G. Reyes - Philippines

1 July 1980 – 1 July 1982

  1. Chan Kai Yau - Singapore

18 July 1982 – 15 July 1984

  1. Phan Wannamethee - Thailand

16 July 1984 – 15 July 1986

  1. Roderick Yong - Brunei Darussalam

16 July 1986 – 16 July 1989

  1. Rusli Noor - Indonesia

17 July 1989 – 1 January 1993

  1. Dato Ajit Singh - Malaysia

1 January 1993 – 31 December 1997

  1. Rodolfo Severino Jr. - Philippines

1 January 1998 – 31 December 2002

  1. Ong Keng Yong - Singapore

1 January 2003 – 31 December 2007

  1. Surin Pitsuwan - Thailand

1 January 2008 – 31 December 2012

  1. Lê Lương Minh - Vietnam

1 January 2013 – 31 December 2017

  1. Lim Jock Hoi - Brunei Darussalam

1 January 2018 – 31 December 2022

  1. Kao Kim Hourn - Cambodia

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