Adam Malik Batubara, the Initiator of ASEAN

Kominfo 01 September 2023
Adam Malik Batubara, the Initiator of ASEAN

The birth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) cannot be separated from the figure of Adam Malik. In August 1967, together with Thanat Khoman (Foreign Minister of Thailand), Narciso Ramos (Philippines), Tun Abdul Razak (Foreign Minister of Malaysia) and S. Rajaratnam (Foreign Minister of Singapore), Adam Malik, who was also the Foreign Minister of Indonesia at the time, discussed the drafting of the Bangkok Declaration, which became the forerunner of the birth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Born in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, on July 22, 1917, Adam Malik Batubara started his career as a journalist. Adam Malik is one of the initiators of the birth of ANTARA News Agency.

Adam Malik began organizing at a young age and has led several political parties in Indonesia. After independence in 1959, Adam Malik was appointed by President Soekarno as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Russia and Poland.

His political career continued until Adam Malik was appointed to the IV Working Cabinet as Minister of Trade and Deputy Commander of Operations I of the Supreme Command for Economic Operations (KOTOE). In March 1965, Adam Malik was appointed as Coordinating Minister for the Implementation of the Guided Economy.

Adam Malik's career took off. On March 18, 1966, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister II (Waperdam II) and served as Indonesia's Foreign Minister in the cabinet of Dwikora II. On March 27, 1966, Adam Malik was appointed Waperdam for Sociopolitical Affairs and served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Until then, Adam Malik was listed as the second longest-serving Minister of Foreign Affairs after Dr. Soebandrio.

Adam Malik's career peaked when he was appointed by the MPR as the Third Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia from 1978 to 1983.

International Scene and Awards

Not only on the national stage, but Adam Malik's political work was also very global. Apart from his crucial role in the birth of ASEAN, Adam Malik also played an active role in Indonesia's return to the United Nations in 1966.

Amazingly, in 1971, Adam Malik was elected Chairman of the 26th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, United States. It makes Adam Malik Batubara the first and only Indonesian to ever serve as the President of the UN General Assembly.

For his services, Adam Malik has received many national and international awards, including Bintang Mahaputera Class IV in 1971, Bintang Adhi Perdana Class II (1973), and the International Dag Hammereskjoeld Award (1981) in the field of diplomacy for world leaders.

Until November 6, 1998, during the reign of President BJ Habibie, Adam Malik was declared a National Hero based on Presidential Decree No. 107 / TK / 1998.


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