43rd ASEAN Summit’s Health Personnel to Prioritize Indonesian Service and Manners

Kominfo 02 September 2023
43rd ASEAN Summit’s Health Personnel to Prioritize Indonesian Service and Manners

Jakarta, 2 September 2023 Health personnel on duty during the 43rd ASEAN Summit, which will be held in Jakarta from 5 to 7 September 2023, are expected to serve the delegates in typical Indonesian manner, with alacrity and courteousness.

The statement was made by Pertamedika President Director Mira Dyah Wahyuni in Jakarta on Saturday (2 September 2023).

"Work efficiently and professionally, and be courteous. This is the message from President Jokowi. We must demonstrate our culture,” she said.

On this occasion, Pertamedika IHC, a subsidiary of PT. Pertamina, provides healthcare assistance through the provision of 16 ambulances and a mini Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Mira Dyah Wahyuni revealed that the action was taken in collaboration with the State Secretariat Ministry and several other relevant parties.

"We have prepared 16 ambulance rescue units from the IHC Group Hospital from various cities in Indonesia and 14 others through synergy with private sector stakeholders," she said.

The ambulances originate from various IHC Group Hospitals in several cities in Indonesia, including Pertamina Central Hospital, Jakarta Harbor Hospital, Pertamina Jaya Hospital, Pelni Hospital, Port Medical Center Hospital, Pertamina Balongan Hospital, and Jember Clinic Plantation Hospital.

The ambulances are also contributed by PHC Surabaya Hospital, Krakatau Medika Hospital, Malang Lavalette Hospital, Pertamina Cilacap Hospital, Cirebon Harbor Hospital, Pertamina Central Hospital, Gatoel Mojokerto Hospital, and Elizabeth Situbondo Hospital. Mira added that each ambulance rescue unit carries advanced general practitioners and two advanced nurses trained to handle emergencies.

In the meantime, mini-ICUs with designated cardiologists, surgeons, internists, anaesthetists, neurologists, and others are on standby at multiple 43rd ASEAN Summit locations.

These ambulances have passed a sterile inspection by the State Secretariat Ministry to ensure that all units, including medical and treatment equipment, satisfy the requirements for completeness.

At the handover of the healthcare equipment unit in Jakarta on Saturday (2 September 2023), the Head of the TNI Health Center Dukepsops Division, Col. M Birza Rizaldi, Military Area Command Medical Service head Col. Ckm Ichsan Firdaus, State Secretariat Ministry’s Health Services Section head Hotlan Parlin, and Health Sub-Task Force Commander Army Medical Corps Lt. Col. Herry Herlambang were present.

Also present were the Coordinating Officer for Health, Health Lt. Col. Whiko Irwan Destanto, Presidential Security Detail’s Health Sub-Task Force, Army Medical Corps Major Abdul Rohim Wadan, and Presidential Security Detail’s Operational Section Officer, Health Sub-Task Force, Health First Lieutenant Muhammad Fadlilah. (Eko/TR)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

Find more information at http://asean2023.id, https://infopublik.id/kategori/asean-2023, and https://indonesia.go.id/kategori/ragam-asean-2023

Photo caption: PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC President Director drg. Mira Dyah Wahyuni, MARS launches an ambulance to support the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023 at Pertamina Modular Hospital, Simprug, Jakarta, Saturday (2 September 2023). (ANTARA/Astrid Faidlatul Habibah)

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