The Cordon Guard, Honor Guard in State Ceremonies

Kominfo 21 September 2023
The Cordon Guard, Honor Guard in State Ceremonies

The success of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (Summit) in Jakarta, 5-7 September 2023, still leaves an extraordinary experience for many people. Holding the mandate as Chair of ASEAN 2023, Indonesia succeeded in impressing the state guests attending the ASEAN Summit with Indonesia's implementation and preparations in holding a meeting of leaders of countries in Southeast Asia and partner countries in this region.

Various parties made long preparations to ensure comfort and security during the 43rd ASEAN Summit. It was shown through the readiness of the multiple layers of security that helped make this big event a success. One that caught many people's attention was the security forces welcoming the ASEAN leaders and partner countries at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). It was the Cordon Guard.

Dressed in all black with complete attributes and white and golden yellow ornaments, the Cordon Guard looked dashing and welcomed state leaders at the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta. The main task of the Cordon Guard is to provide state honors to state guests coming to Indonesia.

The Cordon Guard, often called the Honor Guard, is from the State Protocol Guard Battalion (Yonwalprotneg). The Cordon Guard is one of the Military Police units under the Paspampres (Presidential Security Force). The Cordon Guard consists of the best military soldiers from the Indonesian Army serving as guardians of state protocol.

Cordon Guard's Tasks

The Cordon Guard has special uniforms for welcoming heads of state or VVIP guests coming to Indonesia. The most common uniform is usually red and white, with various attributes. Usually, the Cordon Guard in red and white uniforms welcomes leaders or heads of state and state guests with a respectful ceremony at the Presidential Palace.

So, it could be said that the task of the Cordon Guard is not only to welcome state leaders at the 43rd ASEAN Summit but also to pay respects to the country's VVIP guests on various occasions, such as the G20 Summit in Bali in 2022 and the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo on 10-11 May 2023.

Interestingly, the Cordon Guard is not only on duty when important events like summits occur. If you pay attention, the Cordon Guard is also present in the ranks of the Paskibraka (Heritage Flag Raising Troop) at every flag ceremony at the Presidential Palace.

Usually, the Cordon Guard is in the Paskibraka "Troop 45," tasked with guarding the raising and lowering of the red and white flag during the independence ceremony. In addition, the Cordon Guard also serves as barricades for the Red and White Heritage Flag Carriage Troop from Monas to the State Palace as part of the independence ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia.

Photo: Doks TNI AD/

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