Serbia, Panama, and Kuwait Accede to TAC

Kominfo 04 September 2023
Serbia, Panama, and Kuwait Accede to TAC

Jakarta, 4 September 2023 – Serbia, Panama, and Kuwait became the 52nd, 53rd, and 54th country to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation/TAC. The accession ceremony was conducted on the side lines of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta (4/9).

In her remarks during the ceremony, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi expressed her appreciation to the three countries.

“Throughout the years, the TAC has been instrumental as collective norms and principles to forge friendly relations, habit of dialogue, and peaceful coexistence in the region,” said Retno.

Amidst geopolitical dynamics filled with rivalry and trust deficit, it is very important to strengthen the values of TAC to build trust and confidence, she added.

The increasing number of countries acceding to the TAC demonstrates growing positive enthusiasm. This must be utilized to strengthen stability in the region and the world. 

The TAC must unite ASEAN and dialogue partners to promote concrete cooperation in addressing common challenges, from climate change, food and energy security, to proliferation of transnational crime.

“Together we must serve as a positive force for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific Region. Only by fully applying values and principles of the TAC we can really ensure that ASEAN matters and becomes the epicentrum of growth,” said the Minister.

The signing was done by the Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić, Panama Vice Foreign Minister Vladimir Franco, and Kuwaiti Vice Foreign Minister Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al Ahmad al Sabah.

Previously, Saudi Arabia signed the TAC on the side lines of the 56th ASEAN Foreign Minister's Meeting (AMM) in Jakarta on July 2023. Thus, there are 4 countries that acceded to the TAC this year.

All members of P5 have acceded to the TAC: China (2003), Russia (2004), France (2007), USA (2009), and UK (2012). Amongst G20 members, only Italy and Mexico have yet to sign.


For further information, please contact the following:

Director for Information and Media at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hartyo Harkomoyo (0811831899)

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Photo caption 1: Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi (center) receives document of the Instrument of Accession to the TAC from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic (left), witnessed by the Secretary General of ASEAN Kao Kim Hourn (right), during the Signing Ceremony of the Instruments of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in Jakarta, Monday (4/9/2023) (Photo: Media Center KTT ASEAN 2023/Dwi Prasetya/foc)

Photo caption 2: Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi (center) receives document of the Instrument of Accession to the TAC from Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al Ahmad (left), witnessed by the Secretary General of ASEAN Kao Kim Hourn (right), during the Signing Ceremony of the Instruments of Accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) in Jakarta, Monday (4/9/2023) (Photo: Media Center KTT ASEAN 2023/Dwi Prasetya/foc)

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