SEOM 3/54 Discusses Economic Cooperation Between ASEAN Members, Dialogue Partners

Kominfo 27 July 2023
SEOM 3/54 Discusses Economic Cooperation Between ASEAN Members, Dialogue Partners

The Third Meeting of the ASEAN Senior Economic Officials for the Fifty-Fourth ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting (SEOM 3/54) was successfully held from 11 to 13 July in Surabaya, East Java. The SEOM 3/54 meeting is the last SEOM level meeting in Indonesia’s ASEAN Chairmanship.

There were two reasons that Surabaya was chosen to host SEOM 3/54. First, it is the 2nd largest city in Indonesia with very high export-import activities.

Second, it is known as the city of heroes and is associated with Gajah Mada from Majapahit Kingdom whose territory was spread across the archipelago and the Southeast Asia region.

The SEOM 3/54 meeting was led by the Director of ASEAN Negotiations, Dina Kurniasari, as the Alternate SEOM Chair representing the Director General of International Trade Negotiations, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono.

The SEOM 3/54 meeting was attended by 10 ASEAN member countries, Timor-Leste, the ASEAN Secretariat, and 12 ASEAN dialogue partners, namely Australia and New Zealand, the People's Republic of China (PRC), Japan, India, Korea, Hong Kong, Britain, Russia, Canada, the United States of America, and the European Union.

Topics of Discussion in the SEOM 3/54 Meeting

The SEOM 3/54 meeting discussed ASEAN issues and provided direction to sector agencies under SEOM coordination.

The topics discussed at the meeting include Indonesia's economic priorities as the Chair of 2023 ASEAN, digital economy, carbon neutrality, promotion of inclusive business, and ASEAN supply chain resilience.

The meeting also discussed important issues related to the progress of Indonesia's Priority Economic Outcomes, the implementation of the ASEAN economic community, ASEAN's external economic relations, and the preparations for the 55th ASEAN economic ministers meeting.

It also discussed several ASEAN external cooperation matters with dialogue partners, such as the development of trade and investment cooperation programs, implementation of economic cooperation projects, technical assistance, and new areas of cooperation that are inclusive and sustainable in the region.

After the SEOM 3/54 meeting, all delegates were treated to a variety of Indonesian culinary delights, including Surabaya's specialties. The gala dinner was not just an ordinary meal event but also an introduction to Indonesian culture and food to make it more global.

Some food served at the SEOM 3/54 gala dinner included: gado-gado Betawi (vegetable salad), sweet rujak (sliced fruit), Kediri chicken soup, grilled chicken, meatballs, tahu campur (mixed tofu), and Mando ice.

Photo: Shutterstock/FrameAngel

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