Seafood Dishes for Delegates of the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023

Kementerian Kominfo 06 May 2023
Seafood Dishes for Delegates of the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023

Seafood Dishes for Delegates of the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023

Jakarta, 5 May 2023 Various seafood dishes will be served to the delegates of the 42nd ASEAN Summit on 9–11 May 2023 in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara.

Head of the Foreign Technical Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Noviyanti, said that the food to be served to delegates will be dominated by seafood dishes because they represent Labuan Bajo as a destination renowned for its unique maritime resources such as its beaches and small islands.

“Chef Arnold Purnomo and his team will prepare the seafood dishes. As for the entertainment performances for the delegates is still a secret because it will be a surprise,” said Noviyanti in the Forum Merdeka Barat (FMB9) discussion titled “Readiness for the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023 Labuan Bajo” in Jakarta on Friday, 5 May 2023.

She also said that the national committee will organize a special program called the SME’s hub with support from State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and local government, which will involve micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to showcase their products.

There will be 50 exhibition booths available at various locations for the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023. 10 of them are food vendors, while the rest offer various regional handicraft products.

“Woven scarves and batik shirts are prepared as souvenirs for delegates. Something that represents Indonesia as a whole. We hope all elements can contribute to the success of this event,” added Noviyanti.

To ensure that the 42nd ASEAN Summit gets well publication, the national committee has prepared a media center with a capacity of around 300 people with supporting facilities such as mini studios, internet networks, and power supplies.

"We also provide food that can be enjoyed at any time and for free. We hope that news broke from Labuan Bajo can support the region as Indonesia’s featured tourist destination,” she said.

Prioritizing Delegates and Foreign Journalists

Secretary of the State Secretariat, Setya Utama, said that preparations for the ASEAN Summit have reached 90 percent. The remaining work will be completed before the event, such as the beautification of the venue with decorative flowers.

“We do have experience in organizing the G20 Summit last year. However, each summit has different challenges, and this time we pay close attention to every detail through various rehearsals to meet the expected results,” he said.

He also said that the national committee has prepared tentative programs from 6 May when the delegates from the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN (CPR) will begin to arrive. The next day, several meetings will also be held in the Tana Mori area, 30 minutes away from Labuan Bajo.

On 8 May, the same venue will also hold the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting (SOM). On 9 May, the leaders of ASEAN member states are scheduled to arrive in Labuan Bajo. In total, 8 ASEAN leaders, the Secretary General of ASEAN, and the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste are scheduled to participate. The ASEAN Foreign Ministerial Meeting will take place on 9 May. The summit will be held on 10 May.

 “We have prepared the opening plenary and various task force level meetings. After the meetings are concluded, the leaders will sail to Bidadari Island and return for dinner at Ayana. We will also facilitate several meetings on 11 May,” Setya said.

He acknowledged that one of the challenges this time around is the limited number of 4 and 5-star hotels in Labuan Bajo. Therefore, a special strategy is required to provide the best services for the guests, namely the delegates and foreign journalists, as advised by President Joko Widodo during a limited meeting in April.

The committee’s accommodation was also changed from star-rated hotels to a “floating hotel” aboard the KM Sinabung owned by PT Pelni (Persero) which has facilities such as 500 cabin rooms, an internet connection, and a restaurant.

“According to data, there will be 821 delegates and 366 media representatives. We provide the best services. The ASEAN Summit must produce results for Indonesia and satisfy the guests. Hopefully, the weather will be favorable, and we will have stronger cooperation,” he said.

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