Labuan Bajo People’s High Hopes Following End of 42nd ASEAN Summit

Kominfo 12 May 2023
Labuan Bajo People’s High Hopes Following End of 42nd ASEAN Summit

West Manggarai, 12 May 2023 The conclusion of the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023 which was held in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) gave special impressions to local community. They are both happy and sad about it.

The locals are happy for the international event was considered a great success as it went well and safely without any significant problems. However, they are also sad because the hustle and bustle of Labuan Bajo came to an end as ASEAN leaders and delegates returned to their home countries.

Titi, a grocery store owner in Labuan Bajo, conveyed the statement on Friday (12 May).

“It was very busy during the summit on 10–11 May 2023. Many buyers come. However, now it’s getting quiet, not as busy as a few days before. It’s sad, though,” said Titi.

The revenue from Titi’s store reached Rp16 million in a day during the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023. “It’s only a few million today. Thank God anyway. We believe there will be other events held in Labuan Bajo after this,” said Titi.

This grocery owner admitted that it will be delightful if Labuan Bajo hosts other large events like the summit. This is because such events not only attract more tourists to Labuan Bajo but also boost the local economy.

“It’s sad now because the street was usually busy, many people came shopping at the store. There were many officials, luxury cars, and electric cars passing by. It has become quite like a normal day,” said Titi.

However, Titi believes that the 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023 will have an impact on raising the popularity of Labuan Bajo, not only as an event destination but also as a tourist destination like Bali with an increase in the number of visitors.

Bonny, a rental car driver in Labuan Bajo, expressed a similar sentiment. Aside from being happy and proud of the ASEAN Summit’s success, Bonny is saddened that the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

“Well, it’s more like I can’t believe that many world leaders from ASEAN came to Labuan Bajo. It was as if this was a big city. There were electric cars too. It’s also sad, but we’re happy because there was an increase in our income,” said Bonny.

Therefore, Bonny hopes that the government will continue to hold national and international activities in Labuan Bajo, making it as lively and renowned as other tourist destinations.

Previously, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahudin Uno stated that the estimated figure of purchases made by ASEAN Summit’s delegates on the products of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is Rp15 billion.

“There are so many MSMEs involved. So, the spending of almost Rp15 billion by the participants and delegates of the 42nd ASEAN Summit can be felt by the community,” said Sandiaga during a visit to the Batu Cermin Cultural Festival in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, on Thursday (11 May).

The 42nd ASEAN Summit 2023 has also served as a momentum of revival for the recovery of tourism and the creative economy in Labuan Bajo. Such momentum was enjoyed by tourism operators, the local community, and MSMEs.

The 42nd ASEAN Summit officially concluded on Thursday (11 May) after its series of activities had been held since Tuesday (9 May). ASEAN leaders and delegates left Labuan Bajo on Thursday (12 May), and some will leave on Friday (13 May). (Eko/US/TR/Elvira/WW/PPR)


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Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

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Photo caption: Illustration: A cleaning service crew sweeps the sidewalk in the Ring 1 area during the 42nd ASEAN Summit around the Meruorah Hotel on Friday (12 May 2023). Labuan Bajo seems to revert to normal after the conclusion of the ASEAN Summit 2023 as delegates left the venue on Thursday (11 May 2023). Photo: Agus Siswanto/InfoPublik

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