Guaranteeing Quality of Building Materials and Construction Products, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan Signs MRA BCM

Kominfo 21 August 2023
Guaranteeing Quality of Building Materials and Construction Products, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan Signs MRA BCM

Semarang, 20 August 2023 – Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan signed the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements for Building and Construction Materials (MRA BCM) in Semarang, Central Java today, Sunday (20/8). The signing was conducted on the sidelines of the 55th ASEAN Economic Ministers' Meeting (AEM Meeting).

“The BCM MRA is a joint recognition commitment to the certification of assessment of building materials and construction among ASEAN member countries. The signing of the BCM MRA is expected to reduce additional costs and guarantee good product quality,” explained Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said MRA is expected to eliminate or reduce trade barriers. In addition, increasing the standards of feasibility testing facilities among ASEAN countries.

“This MRA can help reduce costs incurred by exporters for assessment reports as well as increase certainty of market access. Business actors also get a guarantee for the quality of products that have been tested in accordance with the requirements of the MRA," added Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

The ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) through the Building and Construction Working Group (BCWG) has been negotiating the formulation of the MRA on BCM since 2012. In its implementation, the BCM MRA itself consists of thirteen articles and three annexes.

For further information please contact:  
Ani Mulyati
Head of Public Relations Bureau 
Ministry of Trade  

Dina Kurniasari
Director of ASEAN Negotiations 
Directorate General of International Trade Negotiations 
Ministry of Trade

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