CElebrASEAN Expo 2023, Concrete Evidence of ASEAN Creative Economy Collaboration

Kominfo 09 September 2023
CElebrASEAN Expo 2023, Concrete Evidence of ASEAN Creative Economy Collaboration

JAKARTA, 8 September 2023 – Tourism and creative economy business actors from ASEAN member states are involved in product promotion event at CElebrASEAN Expo 2023, taking place at the ASEAN Skybridge at the ASEAN MRT Station on Sisingamaraja Street of South Jakarta, 6-9 September 2023.

Apart from enlivening the 43rd ASEAN Summit, CElebrASEAN EXPO 2023 also serves as concrete evidence of joint activities of various ASEAN economic entities including MSMEs, creative economy business actors, and cooperatives.

Indonesia’s Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said CElebrASEAN provides a space for the promotion of creative economy products, not only from Indonesia but also from other ASEAN member states, such as Malaysia.

"I believe the ASEAN Matters (slogan) provides an opportunity for our MSMEs. We hope it will also be a celebration of our creative economy," he said at the ASEAN MRT Station, Jakarta, Thursday (7/9/2023).

CElebrASEAN Expo 2023 was attended by 23 tourism and creative economy business actors, including Dapur Mama Eza Rendang; Ahza; Cabilong; Galleries Abata; MAGYS & Ka Ha Su; de'Dessert (Capital Dessert); Safaa Craft; Qorychan Handmade; Gandaria Batik Betawi; Ngramu Djamoe; Keranggan Tourism Village; Saba Culture Village; Setu Babakan Cultural Village; WONDERFUL INDONESIA CO-BRANDING; Soloputri; Si Juki; Bella Bello; and Pesona RekseASEAN.

Tourism Malaysia; Singapore Tourism Board; Indonesian Safari Park; ASITA TRAVEL FAIR; and the Jakarta Experience Board also participated.

Nirahma Hamim, from the Ahza brand, expressed her enthusiasm when she received information that she could open a booth at CElebrASEAN 2023. "We were very happy when we passed the curation and immediately prepared the products to sell," she said.

Ahza is a brand of various handicraft products with motifs that highlight Betawi culture, such as pouches with ondel-ondel images, bags with Monas images, and so on. Nirahma hoped that through CElebrASEAN 2023, her products can be bought and liked by the ASEAN delegates who attended.

"I hope the products can be used, utilized, not just for display. They are useful products. I think they are unique, because there are unique ondel-ondel (giant Betawi effigies) ornaments, so it introduces Jakarta and Betawi culture," said Nirahma.

Another creative artist, from the MAGYS & Ka Ha Su brand, Grace Yurianne, presented superior coffee products. She hoped her products could become souvenirs for ASEAN delegates.

"We want the quality of Indonesian coffee to be better known by the ASEAN community. Our coffee products are packed concisely, suitable for souvenirs," said Grace.

Meanwhile, a tourism business actor from Keranggan Tourism Village, Maulana, was grateful for the CElebrASEAN Expo 2023 because several MRT passengers expressed their interest in going on holiday to Keranggan Tourism Village after seeing the outlets.

The Keranggan Tourism Village is located in the South Tangerang area, Banten. "Our hope is that the delegates can visit to enjoy attractions and activities, such as river cruising or nature tourism. After all, our location is not too far from Jakarta,” he said.

Sandiaga said the ASEAN corridor is used by around six thousand (MRT users) per day. Even now (in total) the number of passengers has returned to 100 thousand MRT users per day as it was before the pandemic,.

"The CelebrASEAN Expo 2023 event is a special attraction. Hopefully this collaboration can continue to drive our economic progress," said Sandiaga.

The activity was initiated by the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency in collaboration with the Jakarta Provincial Government, PT MRT, Tourism Malaysia, and Tepanas. (Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry /US/Elvira Inda Sari)


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

Find more information at http://asean2023.id, https://infopublik.id/kategori/asean-2023, and https://indonesia.go.id/kategori/ragam-asean-2023

Photo caption [1]: Tourism and creative economy business actors from ASEAN member states are involved in product promotion efforts at CElebrASEAN EXPO 2023, taking place at ASEAN Skybridge, ASEAN MRT Station, Sisingamaraja Street, South Jakarta, 6-9 September 2023. (Amiri Yandi/InfoPublik)

Photo caption [2]: Tourism and creative economy business actors from ASEAN member states are involved in product promotion efforts at CElebrASEAN EXPO 2023, taking place at ASEAN Skybridge, ASEAN MRT Station, Sisingamaraja Street, South Jakarta, 6-9 September 2023. (Amiri Yandi/InfoPublik)

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