2023 ASEAN Summit Media Center Brings Positive Impact to Communications Management

Kominfo 06 September 2023
2023 ASEAN Summit Media Center Brings Positive Impact to Communications Management

Jakarta, 5 September 2023 – Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko expressed appreciation for the Media Center at the 43rd ASEAN Summit, which, he said, is able to have a positive impact on the management of public communications during international events.

According to him, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) provides comprehensive and sufficient facilities at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, Central Jakarta. These facilities effectively cater to the needs of both domestic and foreign media and journalists covering the event.

"I believe that this remarkable media center surpasses that of the G20. It's better, bigger, and integrated. Hopefully, the news of the ongoing substantive events in various meeting rooms, including bilateral meetings between heads of state or other meetings, will be disseminated quickly,“ said Moeldoko while observing the 43rd ASEAN Summit Media Center directly with the Minister of Communications and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), on Tuesday (5 September 2023).

Moeldoko hoped that with the presence of a comprehensive media center, the media and journalists would be able to provide the Indonesian and global people with extensive, fast, and accurate information regarding the summit.

During the visit, the Director General of Public Information and Communications of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Usman Kansong, was also present.

Previously, Usman Kansong stated that the Media Center offers various amenities, including computer equipment and internet networks, foods and beverages, as well as medical room and massage chairs. Everything is free of charge.

The room, which can accommodate up to 2,500 people, is being used to accommodate the registered journalists, totaling 1,300 people, and additional official media personnel accompanying the delegations of the 43rd ASEAN Summit.

"The number of official media personnel accompanying Heads of State and OTPs (Official Traveling Press) varies. We‘ve heard that South Korea will bring in 80 journalists, then China 100 people. The USA is more or less the same. Approximately 1,500 to 2,000 additional journalists will be covering the ASEAN Summit," he explained.

Usman Kansong also stated that the Media Center is also equipped with high-speed internet facilities to facilitate the work of journalists during the 43rd ASEAN Summit.

"In terms of bandwidth, a 10 Gbps capacity is adequate. Telkom will deploy more resources if traffic is high. We have prepared mitigation so that fellow journalists can work, write, and send pictures and writings to their respective media comfortably," he said.


For further information, please contact:

Director General of Public Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Informatics – Usman Kansong (0816785320).

Find more information at http://asean2023.id, https://infopublik.id/kategori/asean-2023, and https://indonesia.go.id/kategori/ragam-asean-2023

Photo caption: Journalists work at the 2023 ASEAN Summit Media Center, JCC, Jakarta, Saturday (2 September 2023). 2023 ASEAN Summit Media Center/Afriadi Hikmal/aww.

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